The Association for the Coordination of Italbangla and Development”an association called Associazione Coordinamento Italbangla e Sviluppo is established, with registered office in Rome, Via Francesco Baracca nr. 33, and operational headquarters in Rome 1, Via Visconte Maggiolo 29-31, and RM2, Via di Torpignattara 110-112. 

The association is governed by the constitution and the law of the Italian Republic.

The association has an associative nature.

  • The association’s purpose is to operate on the national territory and has the following aims:
  • To protect, assist, represent and advocate for immigrants and refugees from Asian countries:

To take care of their inclusion in the Italian productive, social and political reality, with respect and integrity of their cultural, social and economic values. To obtain full equality of rights and opportunities in the civil, social and economic fields, between Italian citizens and Asian immigrants, with particular reference to those coming from Bangladesh, to obtain the recognition of civil and political rights to be attributed to immigrants and refugees. Promote knowledge of the history, culture and current reality of the countries of origin of the members. Maintaining awareness of immigrants and refugees’ cultural identity.


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